The Natuna Dispatch: Hear Locals Speak on the Islands’ Future

Meet an educator and tourist activist in Natuna.

Off-the-beaten-path and incomparably beautiful, the Natuna Islands are set to become a leading ecotourism destination in the coming years. But it’s not often the world gets to hear voices of those who call the islands home. Locals, like tourism activist Arif Nain and teacher Syafrizal, are excited to welcome travelers and investors to the archipelago, bolstering their economy and sharing Natuna’s vibrant culture with the world.

Arif Nain speaks on tourism trends in Natuna.

Arif Nain is fiercely passionate about Natuna and committed to realizing its potential. As a business owner and tourism activist, Nain is extremely knowledgeable about the islands and shares his enthusiasm with any visitor he hosts. When he’s not showing travelers the wonders of the archipelago, he makes Natuna-inspired clothing, bags and other items representing the “Hidden Paradise” in the hopes that others can see the beauty he sees across his home. If you visit the Natuna Dive Resort, be sure to visit his shop right across the way.

Teacher Syafrizal discusses education in Natuna.

When Syafrizal thinks about the future of Natuna, he has high hopes for the students he teaches on the islands. He says that in the digital age, it’s important for students to have access to the internet so they can be global citizens without losing touch with their unique heritage on the islands.

“Students are very active, following developments on social media, such as current hit trends,” said Syafrizal. “Technological developments also affect the children’s character here. They manage not to abandon their Malay characteristics. Even though they are updated with current developments, they still love their local Natuna culture.”

At the intersection of these stories, we see ecotourism at its pinnacle: an industry that can preserve the environment and culture while simultaneously sharing it with a globalized world.

In the coming months, Invest SEA will continue to share local stories. Stay tuned to learn more about Natuna.

To see more of our profiles on Natuna residents, visit our previous blog, Meet Natuna.

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