Natuna’s New Mission: Become a Priority Travel Destination

Jakarta, Indonesia

Natuna, one of the regencies in the Riau Archipelago Province, is stepping into a new frontier of international investment and ecotourism.

In the past, Natuna has been viewed with uncertainty due to cases of illegal fishing and smuggling. Considering its location in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), which is claimed as a traditional Chinese sea route, Natuna is often a contested arena for military power. This perception of vulnerability has interfered with the realization of the islands’ full potential.

But all of that is changing; Natuna has become a haven of sustainable investment, an industry now valued at $1.164 trillion dollars according to the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN). Between the regency’s enthusiastic government, new investors mining on the island, and Natuna’s natural beauty drawing in ecotourists, 2022 is the start of a new day for Natuna. Both locals and government officials are eagerly welcoming people to the islands and have been growing their infrastructure in accordance.

New ventures include 24 heritage sites, geopark, museum, and diving excursions in one of the biodiverse seas on earth. The Natuna Islands have 119 Tourist Destination Objects, of which 70% are marine tourism with a marine area coverage of 99.25%. Natuna’s airports and harbors are looking to grow their capacity to bring in more travelers and goods to support them.

The Regent of Natuna Regency, Wan Siswandi, who received a field visit from the Invest SEA team said, “Natuna has extraordinary natural beauty and we should be proud of it. One of the beauties of Natuna is the geopark which deserves to be known by the world. Natuna has been set as a National Geopark Area since November 29, 2018, and later the geopark area will be proposed to the UNESCO Global Geopark to become a world geopark. In addition to its natural beauty, Natuna also has abundant fishing potential.”

According to Regent Siswandi, other than the wealth of natural tourism, Natuna also has a culinary wealth derived from processed iconic seafood, including kernas/kasam made from sago grains and tuna. There is also a fish lemper made from glutinous rice and tuna.

The residents of Natuna Regency, most of whom come from the Malay tribe, are known for their welcoming nature and proximity with Malay customs. Furthermore, Natuna’s strategic location at the intersection of several countries, namely Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam makes the Natuna community an open and inclusive society. 

There are two ways to reach this paradise which is located at the tip of Riau Islands. First, by airplane from Hang Nadim International Airport in Batam to Raden Sadjad Airport in Ranai, Natuna Regency. Second, through the sea route with ships from Tanjung Pinang Port to Selat Lampa Port.

The people of Natuna know how much potential the regency has to offer. Now all they need is for others to see it, too. Industries like ecotourism, fishing, and sustainably-harvested natural resources make Natuna primed for investment in this promising region. Media visits led by Invest SEA are set to be underway in the near future.

About Invest SEA

Invest SEA is a non-profit organization created to elevate Southeast Asia’s profile as a region with untapped sustainable investment opportunities in the ecotourism, natural resources, and fishing industries, while being good stewards of one of the most biodiverse environments on earth. Invest SEA’s goal is to help encourage new and current investors to expand sustainable ventures through green economic growth and fair working conditions while advancing business practices that create opportunities for future generations.

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