Invest SEA Together with KPPOD Organize Sustainable Tourism Discussion to Explore Potential in Natuna

Jakarta, 23 January 2024

The Natuna Islands, located in the northern part of Indonesia’s historical trade route, often attracts attention as a tourist destination that offers extraordinary natural potential. Invest SEA, as a non-profit organization that encourages investors to develop sustainable businesses through green growth, together with the The Regional Autonomy Watch (KPPOD) held another Focus Group Discussion (FGD) focusing on the potential for ecotourism, sports tourism, and infrastructure growth in Natuna, which is rich in nature and ecosystems. 

The discussion held in Jakarta on Tuesday (23/01) involved key stakeholders from various institutions, such as the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora), the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf), the Natuna Regency Tourism Office, and local communities in Natuna. Discussions regarding the tourism potential in the Natuna region are also expected to play a vital role in safeguarding regional autonomy and sovereignty in Indonesia.

Itok Parikesit, the Director of Special Interest Tourism at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, stated, “With the designation as a National Geopark in Indonesia, Natuna offers promising tourism potential. Not only that, the presence of the kekah, a rare fauna on Bunguran Besar Island, can also become a sustainable attraction through ‘Kekah Watching,’ similar to the birdwatching activities enjoyed by many. We hope this will foster further collaboration with the Kekah Mantau Community to introduce this rare primate unique to Natuna.”

Based on the topography, Natuna Regency boasts tourism potential ranging from beaches, geosites within the Natuna Geopark, waterfalls, mountain and hill tourism, to the exploration of historical sites. Natuna’s beautiful beaches can be found in various locations, with Bunguran Timur Laut and Bunguran Timur Subdistricts being favorite choices for visitors.

In the same event, Armand Suparman, Executive Director of KPPOD, mentioned that, “Natuna has flagship products such as ecotourism and marine tourism that seem like undiscovered gold to the wider world. This has resulted in its contribution to regional development, particularly the welfare of the community, being less felt. By increasing investment in ecotourism, it is expected to make a positive contribution to local economic growth and strengthen regional self-reliance.”

Luhur Dewanthono, Expert Staff to the Minister for Industry Management and Sports Energy at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, said, “To make Natuna a prime ecotourism destination, especially in sports tourism, close cooperation is needed between local governments, local sports agencies, and relevant parties. Through this collaboration, we believe the potential of sports tourism in Natuna can be maximized, and we are ready to provide full support for this development.”

Kardiman, Head of Tourism Marketing at the Natuna District Tourism Office, added, “In optimizing the potential of ecotourism and sports tourism in Natuna Regency, adequate infrastructure is needed. However, infrastructure development in Natuna Regency is relatively slow due to dependence on national and regional budgets. This makes the investment program in the Natuna region a crucial component.”

Furthermore, tourism promotion in the Natuna region can be optimized through various social media platforms. By leveraging the power of the existing online network, it is expected that information about the beauty and potential of Natuna can reach more people and stimulate the interest of tourists to explore the natural and cultural richness of the region.

“With this FGD, we hope to facilitate collaborative dialogue between the central government, local governments, and the local community in Natuna to share insights and useful recommendations for the development of sustainable ecotourism, sports tourism, and infrastructure in Natuna,” said Sofyan Herbowo, representing Invest SEA in Indonesia.

About Invest SEA

Invest SEA is an organization dedicated to facilitating both new and existing investors in developing sustainable businesses through green economic growth and fair working conditions, advancing business practices that create opportunities for future generations in the Southeast Asia region. Invest SEA has a mission to elevate Southeast Asia’s profile as an untapped region for sustainable investment opportunities in ecotourism, natural resources, and fisheries. Simultaneously, it aims to be a responsible steward of one of the world’s most diverse environments.

For more information, contact:

Representative InvestSEA

About The Regional Autonomy Watch (KPPOD)

The Regional Autonomy Watch (KPPOD) was established on December 7, 2000, following the Seminar “Preserving Regional Autonomy.” Involving collaboration with KPEN, CSIS, and LPEM-FEUI, as well as figures from the business, academic, and media sectors, KPPOD aims to achieve economic development for the welfare of the people through decentralization and regional autonomy. Its monitoring focus includes policies and public services in the economic, fiscal, and regional autonomy/decentralization sectors, utilizing a multi-perspective approach. KPPOD’s commitment involves studies, advocacy, and technical assistance to enhance the quality of economic/fiscal governance and the practices of accountable, effective, and democratic governance at the regional level.

For more information, contact:

KPPOD Office

(021) 8378 0642 / (021) 8378 0643

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